Level side to side from front to back
You can use a set of RV leveling blocks
or you can choose to go with the wood stacking method.
Once you are level from side to side and any wheel adjustments have been made, You move on to the front to back adjustment and find level there.
If you are level from front to back then why does the trailer rock back and forth?
Don't forget to stabilize your Tiny House
Stabilizer jacks will definitely make things solid
Scissor jack: These are often welded onto the corners of the trailer. Permanently mounted scissor jacks bolt or weld on to the RV’s frame and are just hand-cranked until firm.
Stack jack. Shaped like a triangle these heavy duty jacks allow for support in many areas. There is a bit of manual labor to this method.
Set your jacks down until they are firm on the ground and then add any stabilizers you feel necessary